Flexible Business Insurance Options
Ensure offers our clients a comprehensive range of Business Insurance options. Protecting your business is important, as it is a reflection of the countless hours and incredible effort you put in to make it successful. With a wide range of flexible business insurance options designed to protect you and your business, you can rest assured knowing your investment is safe from life’s surprises.

Public Liability Insurance
Public Liability Insurance protects you against claims of personal injury or property damage as a result of your business activities.

Professionals Insurance
Professionals Insurance protects your business premises and equipment from damage or loss, such as fire or burglary.

Industrial Special Risk Insurance
Industrial Special Risk Insurance combines several individual policies into one specialised plan for use by larger and more diverse businesses.

Trade Insurance
Protect your business property and equipment against damage or loss. Covers fire damage, tax audits, general property and business product.

Business Insurance
Business Insurance helps protect small to medium businesses, such as plumbers, electricians, earthmovers, etc. from damage or loss.

Farm Insurance
Farm Insurance protects against financial loss in the instance of major interruption to your business, including plans designed for machinery breakdowns or feed loss.

Commercial Motor Insurance
Commercial Motor Insurance allows you to protect the vehicles that your business owns, whether they’re on or off the road.

Fleet Motor Insurance
Specifically designed for medium to large businesses, Fleet Motor Insurance protects the business vehicles for sales and delivery teams.

Prime Movers Insurance
Heavy Motor Insurance is specialised protection for heave motor machinery or vehicles with a carrying capacity of over five tonnes.

Contract Works & Legal Liability Insurance
This policy is specially designed for businesses who own, run or manage any type of construction site, protecting against major contingencies.

Professional Indemnity
This plan is designed for those who provide professional advice as their business service, including accountants, marketing consultants and medical professionals.

Cyber Liability Insurance
Insurance to protect databases from being hacked

Construction Insurance
Covers the building whist being constructed

Mobile Machinery Insurance
Excavators, Bobcats, graders, cranes, etc.

Marine Cargo Insurance
Shipping freight insurance